We find you amazing employees that cost 70% less than UK equivalents

Looking to hire? Book a 15 minutes discovery call to help us learn about your service requirements.


Did You Know...

From £1000 per month, you can hire full time mid-tier experienced employees by tapping into talent across Ghana & South Africa:

✅ Who work 40hrs a week

✅ Without Employer NI and other taxes and pension obligations

✅ Who are dedicated and committed to their work

✅ Who are university graduates

✅ With at least 3 years industry experience

✅ With an excellent command of english

The Kingship
Satisfaction Guarantee

We're so confident that the talent we place with you will absolutely blow you away, however if at any point you are unhappy with, we'll swap for a new person free of any cost to you.


Roles We Cover

Customer Service

Email Copy, Design & Setup

Designers and Video Editors

VA/EA/PA Roles

Web Development

Social Media Management


Admin Roles

Find your perfect candidate

Book a 15 minutes discovery call to discuss your requirements

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Three men sitting and laughing together indoors.


Founded By The Team Behind Ava Estell

We started Kingship to solve one of the biggest problems.

Our brands were growing at a rocket-fueled rate, and as a result, we needed more and more staff.

So, we did what every founder would do: we went on a UK hiring spree. Unfortunately, this almost bankrupted us.

We had to find a better way to service our customers without sacrificing quality, while also improving our bottom line to save our business.

This is when we decided to tap into talent across Ghana and South Africa.

It was an absolute game-changer for us in terms of staff quality and cost.

Our fellow founders were soon blown away, so we decided to set up a boutique service to support their hiring and talent needs.

Book a discovery call